With funding provided by the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO), Energy Systems Laboratory is pleased to announce that we will be providing the following trainings that will cover the changes from the 2018 to the 2021 IECC Energy Codes. Training sessions offered will include:
- Updates (2018 -> 2021) to the Residential section of the IECC energy codes, including the Energy Efficiency chapter of the IRC
- Updates (2018 -> 2021) to the Commercial section of the IECC energy codes
- Updates (2018 -> 2021) to the Mechanical section of the commercial IECC energy codes
- Updates (2018 -> 2021) to the Maintenance Information and System Commissioning section of the commercial IECC energy codes
- Introduction of the basic concepts and principles of the Codes
- Discussion of the major differences between the previous editions of the Codes and the 2021 Codes
- Discussion of the alternate compliance path components of the Codes, and
- An overview of the importance of compliance with the Codes.