IC3 Usage
The following shows selected data from the International Code Compliance Calculator’s (IC3) database starting with data collected in 2009 as part of the Texas Building Registry. IC3 provides energy code compliance certificates to homebuilders for submission to their local building officials. The system’s functionality was expanded in 2009 to include IECC 2006 (Houston) and IECC 2009 code compliance. Builder and code official training was conducted around the State. It was during evaluation of this data that new requirements were identified such as differentiation between final and work in progress projects and third party verification of construction as the State began to move to IECC 2009.IC3 Usage
Last Updated 03 JUL 2023
State of Texas IC3 Users

Texas Cities
The top 10 cities generating IC3 certificates.

Texas Counties
The top 10 counties generating IC3 certificates.