International Code Compliance Calculator
This workshop offers an overview of the International Code Compliance Calculator (IC3). The IC3 is a web-based software tool designed to provide a simulated performance of energy code compliance for single family residential construction. This powerful, easy to use software tool has been developed by the Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL) of the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES). The tool can capture quantitative above-code compliance as well as emissions reduction credits for the State Implementation Plan (SIP). IC3 features a simplified entry of the minimum house parameters necessary to estimate energy performance as compared with the Texas Building Energy Performance Standards (TBEPS). If your municipality or trade group is interested in having this training, or if you are interested in testing out future video or online training, please contact the Laboratory with your particular interest.
This workshop is intended for engineers, architects, and code officials who anticipate either applying, conforming to, or evaluating the ASHRAE 90.1-2007 code to commercial building projects in Texas and elsewhere. The content includes a cursory coverage of the entire Standard 90.1 document as well as a review of some of the more substantive changes/additions made since the 2004 version was issued. Most of the workshop focus is on the Mandatory and Prescriptive Requirements, while only a brief mention is made of the ECB methodology. Participants can be either new to the code or experienced in its use.
IECC Commercial Energy Code Training
The State of Texas adopted an energy code through Senate Bill 5, 77th Texas Legislature. This seminar provides building officials, inspectors and design professionals with basic information they need to enforce or comply with the commercial energy provisions of the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code and the ASHRAE 90.1 Standard. Emphasis is on understanding the purpose and scope of the energy requirements and basic knowledge required to enforce chapters 1 through 3 and 5 of the IECC. Discussion covers how to find what you need, basic requirements, available compliance approaches, and plan review or inspection actions that assure compliance.
IECC Residential Energy Code Training
This seminar provides builders, designers, building officials, plan reviewers and inspectors with information they need to understand and achieve compliance with the energy provisions of the International Residential Code and the residential provisions of the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code, as published by the International Code Council. Emphasis is on understanding the purpose and scope of the energy requirements and basic knowledge required to enforce chapters 1 through 4 of the IECC. Discussion covers how to find what you need, basic requirements and the related building science, available compliance approaches, and plan review or inspection actions that assure compliance.
Continuous Commissioning®
Check back for future workshops.
All workshops last for 3 hours. For more information, visit the CC page for contact info and more.
Continuous Commissioning